Hello world!
My name is Ivan Akcheurov.
I’m a software engineer.
I live in Ukraine now (Update: from July 2010 I live in Amsterdam Area of The Netherlands).
I’ve started my career from development of Machine Translation engine.
From that time Word Sense Disambiguation/Machine Translation became my passion.
Of course adjacent NLP/CL fields like IR/ Text Mining / Knowledge Extraction are also in scope of my interests.
Now I’m developing a project of finding the most appropriate translation for a given text.
The final goal is to get the senses of words from initial sentence.
But everything starts from the little.
So my project deals only with several words for now!
It knows nothing about syntax. The main thing it uses is unstructured data taken from internet. It is several gigabytes of posts from thousands of blogs. App has statistical approach which will be reviewed in later posts. In short, it finds similar phrases in other languages and decides what translation is better for some particular word from initial sentence. At the moment it’s based on cooccurrences but I plan to enhance this approach :)
As soon as I make some results description, comparisons and probably evaluation I’ll post it as well.
Stay tuned :)
Как, если не секрет, вам удалось перебраться из Украины в Амстердам?
ОтветитьУдалить:) Никакого секрета нет. Набрал опыт как программист и интересовался data/text mining. Потом предложили работу в Амстердаме через LinkedIn, согласился. Честно сказать в кофе-шопе еще ни разу не был, но все еще очень планирую :D